

Private Banking Portfolio Company


An International Private Banking Portfolio Company

-Mergers & Acquisitions

-Data ANALYSIS AND Collection

-Defense and Security

-Metals and Minerals Mining

Headquartered in New York City, World Century’s Private Banking and its Portfolio’s investment process is for the growth and preservation of our capital through targeted M&A findings. Diversification is our core business, of which to create growth, opportunity and sustainability by means of acquisitions in various industry sectors.

Our philosophy is that investing in social equity is just as important as monetary returns. Therefore, we make it a priority to invest in and partner with companies, founders, and executives globally who aim to better the world through community, humanitarian and philanthropic efforts in addition to their commercial enterprises.

We are also continuing to secure international solidarity through our mutually beneficial GDP focused private public partnerships (PPP) throughout the Middle East and Africa. Our collective efforts in mining, manufacturing, exploration, infrastructure, education, healthcare, security and other commercial business partnerships aim to achieve a positive impact for the people in living in their communities.

Equally importantly to our core mission is the focus on creating job opportunities both domestically and abroad. We take pride as an inclusive company by employing and empowering career pathways for our civilian and veteran employees, persons with disabilities, our international friends and persons of every sex, color and creed whom are employed with us. We have also created philanthropic jobs with our private NGO-type campaigns throughout Africa in humanitarian aid, supply chain continuity, protected animal conservatory and medical supply relief.

We aim to protect both the physical and financial assets of anyone we are partnered with while we seek, forge and explore new growth, security and sustainability investment opportunities. World Century, your safe partner for the 21st century !

World Century Global is a also Member of the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), Bureau of Diplomatic Security, which is the official liaison for security information-sharing between the U.S.Department of State and the U.S. Private Sector. The membership allows the company to operate safely with security and safety updates by being aware of the environments in our international area’s of operations.


Areas of Expertise


Our M&A investment strategy targets growth companies, select start-ups or launches ventures that World Century has created from the ground up. As an equity acquisition partner we select agri-tech manufacturing, defense, hospitality, mining and supply chain opportunities. Also, we have a preference to companies that are providing some benefit to society and creating solutions to existing problems.


We have equity partnerships in our own private mining operations that are producing gold, diamonds, copper, cobalt, manganese and other rare earth mineral source. We export our trade supply into the open international wholesale and retail market in raw form or in finished product to refineries and to select private retail clientele throughout the international landscape.

Defense & SECURITY

Our private data analysis, defense and security operations divisions work with clients to provide cross-continental operations and advisory services. We provide elite intelligence/counter/data and threat analysis solutions with specialists whom are veteran members of the special operations and intelligence communities. We offer discreet security and advisory implementations.


Nothing is worth more than this day.
— Johann Wolfgang von goethe


Let's Chat.

Interested in learning more about World Century? Seeking media inquiries? Please fill out the following form to contact us and the appropriate World Century representative will reply to you shortly. Your information submitted to us by any communications is strictly confidential.

For career opportunities, please email us your resume. We’re always looking for new and exceptional talent. Please type “careers” in the subject box. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.